


The ease with which a particular unit of information is activated or can be retrieved from memory (Morewedge and Kahneman, 2010).

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April 7th, 2013|Categories: |Tags: , |

Associative memory

A network of long-term memory for semantic information, emotions, and goals that is governed by the spread of activation, as determined by the strengths of interconnecting weights (associations) (Morewedge and Kahneman, 2010).

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April 7th, 2013|Categories: |Tags: , |

Epistemic artifact

A tool for thinking. Examples include externalized information representations such as text documents and database records along with graphical tools such as bar charts and geographic maps. Historical examples include petroglyphs used to mark productive hunting and fishing grounds. According to Clark, Dennett, Mithen, et al., the invention and use of epistemic artifacts are central to the explanation of human intelligence and human culture (Sterelny, 2004).

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April 8th, 2013|Categories: , , |Tags: , |